Friday, December 16, 2005

I'm Crooked!

So this morning I got the definitive answer to what I've always kind of known.... I'm crooked!

Now I know you're thinking 'just what the hell is he talking about? He's admitting that he's a thief? A cheat?' No, no, no, nothing that exciting. My spine is crooked.

Went to the chiropractor this morning, and reviewed x-rays that were taken earlier in the week. The long and the short of it is that I have one leg that's longer than the other (get it -- the "long and the short" of it....I crack myself up!) and my neck leans to the left.

Maybe that explains why I can't walk straight, even when I'm sober...hmm, that makes me wonder - do I walk straighter when I'm drunk? hmm....

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