Friday, December 16, 2005

Way to go danielo!

Huge "atta boy" and kudos to danielo for getting up on stage at the Funny Bone this week!

I'm proud of you man.

I'm Crooked!

So this morning I got the definitive answer to what I've always kind of known.... I'm crooked!

Now I know you're thinking 'just what the hell is he talking about? He's admitting that he's a thief? A cheat?' No, no, no, nothing that exciting. My spine is crooked.

Went to the chiropractor this morning, and reviewed x-rays that were taken earlier in the week. The long and the short of it is that I have one leg that's longer than the other (get it -- the "long and the short" of it....I crack myself up!) and my neck leans to the left.

Maybe that explains why I can't walk straight, even when I'm sober...hmm, that makes me wonder - do I walk straighter when I'm drunk? hmm....

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Slap happy

Have you ever just wanted to slap the stupid right out of somebody?

Yeah, me too.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005


So I've finally done it...

After reading them for I don't know how long, and thinking about doing it for almost as long, I finally got my ass in gear and started up my own blog. Why? No clue, really....just a way to get some of the thoughts out of my head that seem to bounce around from time to time.

Will it ever go anywhere? Doubtful, but at least now I can say that I'm here.